
Why choose us?

There are a host of reasons why so many families choose Lollipops Albany. Here are just a few of them:

  • Excellent teacher to child ratios
  • Three nutritious meals prepared onsite by our wonderful centre cook
  • Free nappies, wipes, sunscreen, sudocrem
  • Multicultural environment
  • Weekly dance classes for 4 to 5 year olds
  • Weekly Playball sessions
  • Cooking, baking, drama, projects based on children’s interests
  • Celebrate festivals and special cultural events (e.g. Matariki, Maori Language Week, Chinese New Year, Full Moon, Diwali, Christmas, St Patrick’s Day, Mother’s and Father’s Day)
  • Special rituals to celebrate birthdays
  • Great transition to school programme
  • Exciting and educational excursions



Our philosophy

At Lollipops Albany we believe that our tamariki should have a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment. You can see this reflective in our positive kaiako/tamariki interactions and relationships, well-resourced rooms with age appropriate resources. The tamariki should feel safe, nurtured and loved while they are with us, which will help to give them a sense of belonging. We want our tamariki to not only be respected but to learn how to respect and look after others as well as our papatuanuku. We teach the tamariki to respect papatuanuku by teaching them how to compost, we have worm farms and a commercial compost bin. We also use Little and Brave compostable nappies. The Kaiako respect each individual child, their culture, their belief and their independence and we celebrate these. We provide our tamariki with quality learning experiences working alongside the New Zealand curriculum Te Whaariki, the NZ curriculum framework and the Treaty of Waitangi.

At Lollipops Albany we strive to form quality relationships with the tamariki, whanau and with our fellow Kaiako. Tamariki deserve to experience respectful and trusting relationships where their voice is heard, and their aspirations are met.

A word from people who matter most - the tamariki of Lollipops Albany

“What is the most important thing to have at Lollipops”?

  • Play (with lots of toys)
  • Learning nice manners
  • Having fun
  • Special trips
  • Making lots of friends

“What do you like the most”?

  • Toys
  • Friends
  • Playing
  • Watching movies
  • New toys
  • Dancing classes
  • Dress up playing
  • Kind teachers
  • Koru club


의 교육 신념

롤리팝 알바니에서 운영진과 교사진은 아이들이 안전하고 올바르게 양육이 이루어지며 그들의 발달을 자극시키는 교육 환경을 가져야 한다고 굳게 믿습니다. 저희의 이러한 신념은 아이들과 교사진간의 긴밀한 상호작용과 관계형성 그리고 각 연령에 맞게 제공되는 교구들에 잘 나타나 있습니다. 우리의 아이들은 유치원에 있는 동안, 언제나 안전하고 양육받고 사랑받는 감정을 느끼며 긍정적인 소속감을 느낄 수 있도록 도움을 받습니다. 저희는 아이들이 스스로를 존중하며 더불어 다른 이들과 자연을 존중하는 법을 배우도록 도와줍니다. 저희 교사진은 아이들 한명 한명을 소중하고 특별한 개개인으로 여기며 아이들 개인의 교유한 문화, 믿음 그리고 자립심을 응원하고 북돋아 줍니다. 롤리팝 알바니는 뉴질랜드 유아교육 과정인 Te Whariki, 뉴질랜드 교육체계와 와이탕이 조약을 통해 아이들에게 수준 높은 양질의 교육 경험을 제공합니다.
롤리팝 알바니에서 우리는 아이들, 아이들의 부모님들과 가족들 및 동료 교사간 양질의 관계 형성을 위해 노력 합니다. 아이들은 그들의 목소리에 항상 귀 기울이며, 바램을 충족시키는 긍정적이며 믿음이 가는 관계를 형성하는 경험을 해야 합니다.

아이들이 직접 말해주는 롤리팝 알바니란? 무엇이 롤리팝 알바니에서 가장 중요한가요?
“알바니 롤리팝 유치원에서 가장 중요한 것은 뭐예요?”
“많은 장난감들 갖고 노는거요!”, “멋진 매너(예절)을 배우는것이요!”
“즐겁게 노는것이요!” , “특별한 소풍을 가는것이요!”
“친구들을 많이 사귀는 것이요!”


在Lollipops Albany,我们相信孩子们应该有一个安全,舒适和能激发他们潜能的教育环境。 您可以看到这体现在老师们与孩子具有良好的互动关系以及每个班级都拥有丰富的,适合各自年龄段孩子的教具。在我们幼儿园,孩子们会感受到爱和安全感,从而给予他们充分的归属感。 我们希望在幼儿园的孩子们不仅仅得到尊重,也应当学会尊重,学会帮助其他人以及关心身边的大自然。在幼儿园,老师们尊重每个孩子的个体,以及他们的文化,信仰和自主性并和孩子们一起庆祝他们的节日。与此同时,我们配合新西兰的课程Te Whariki, 教学框架和怀唐伊条约为孩子们提供优质和多彩的学习体验。
我们Lollipops Albany一直努力与孩子们,家庭还有老师们建立并保持良好的关系。在这里,孩子们能充分享受到被尊重和信任, 他们的心声会被听到,他们的愿望也都会被满足。




About Evolve

Evolve Education Group is a leader in early childhood education, with over 90 centres across New Zealand offering a range of top quality learning options for all of our families.

Our highly regarded brands – which include Active Explorers, Lollipops, Pascals, Learning Adventures, Little Wonders, Little Lights and Little Earth Montessori – nurture children to love learning and become the best they can be. Rich and diverse educational opportunities are delivered by passionate, experienced educators in purpose designed centres equipped with the latest learning resources.

Evolve Education Group is helping shape the future, preparing little minds for great things in today’s ever changing world.