Our Rooms

Lollipops Bell Block has three separate rooms, enabling us to deliver safe, nurturing and age appropriate learning experiences for all our children.  

Infant Room

Catering for our little ones aged 3 months to 2 years, we provide an environment that supports the natural development of our tamariki and promotes a strong sense of belonging through collaborative relationships.

Room Routine Approx Time;

7am – Centre open

9.30am – Morning Kai

10am – Babies go for morning moe/sleep

11am - Lunch

12pm – Toddlers go for a moe/sleep

2.30pm – Afternoon kai

3pm – Babies afternoon moe/sleep

6pm – Centre closes

Welcome to our infant whānau. We value your babies needs and routine so adjust our practise accordingly. We have an unhurried atmosphere which allows tamariki to do things in their own time and makes their routines like sleeping and kai a relaxed and peaceful time just like at home. We offer a strong focus on respectful practice and forming relationships which is a key feature for our tamariki and Kaiako. We offer an indoor and outdoor flow when the whether allows and provide our tamariki with a range of activities.

Junior Room

Welcome to the Junior Room

Thank you for viewing our team and space here in the Junior Room. In this room the Kaiako work together as a team to ensure they is consistency in their teaching practices, have open communication and are all on the same learning adventure alongside tamariki. This is to ensure tamariki have the independence, resilience and emotional strength to grow as a capable small person.

Daily Routine

Room Routine Approx Time;

7am – Centre open and tamariki and parents greeted by Kaiako, while learning through play is happening. Indoor and outside play is available till close.

9am-9.30am – First round of kai is offered, especially for those that arrive early.

9.45am-10.15am – Second round kai is offered for late arrivals

10.45am – Classroom is tidied before whariki time (song, books, dancing), Pepeha, kai karakia and washing of hands take place for tamariki before kai.

11am-12pm – Tamariki kai time

11.30am-1pm – Tamariki moe time varies, one on one with tamariki awake either inside or outside

2pm-2.30pm – Lunch boxes away before kai time, after kai inside and outside play available

3pm-6pm – Learning through play, prep for home, late snack around 4.30pm

6pm  - Centre closes



Preschool Room

Our Preschool Room is equipped for our 3 to 5 year olds, and is a busy, creative environment offering tamariki opportunities to grow and develop skills in all curriculum areas, in preparation for school.

Daily Routine

 7:00am – Centre opens, set up curriculum areas for the morning – art, construction, literacy and numeracy, family play

 9:30am – Rolling morning tea starts and runs through until 10:15am, children are encouraged to wash and dry their hands as they come  inside to eat/free play

11:30am – Kaiako and tamariki work alongside each other to tidy and reset the room for the afternoon

11:45am – Optional group time for tamariki and Kaiako to come together for a story or waiata and karakia kai is said before we move away to wash hands for lunch

12:00pm – Lunch (children are encouraged to come inside and each their lunch during the next hour or so)/free play continues throughout the afternoon.

2-2:30pm – Afternoon tea and children gather belongings

2:30pm – General tidy up and reset of the room

6.00pm   – Centre closes