Our Rooms

Lollipops Mt Albert has two separate houses, enabling us to deliver safe, nurturing and age appropriate learning experiences for all our children.  

Tiny Tui House

This is where our toddlers and babies thrive. Our baby’s room is shoe free, clean, comfortable and safe. The toddler’s area is arranged cleverly for children to move around safely and easily spot resources and explore them.

Daily Routine

7:30 am: Centre opens, children and parents welcomed and supported with settling
Free play
Breakfast for children who need it

8:15 am:  Indoor/outdoor play including activities that are linked to our planning

9:25 am: Tidy up, wash hands, morning tea

10:00 am: Mat time—singing, dancing, exercise, stories and more

10:30 am: Planned curriculum, teacher and child initiated activities and experiences  
Inside/outside flow

11:15 am: Hand wash, kai time  
Indoor and outdoor activities and play

12:15 pm: Sleep time for sleepers
Quiet activities and reading time for afternoon children

1:30 pm: Inside play
New activities are set up, extended learning experiences linked to the curriculum

2:30 pm: Tidy up, wash hands, afternoon tea

3:00 pm: Mat time—singing, dancing, exercise, stories and more

3:20 pm: Planned curriculum, teacher and child initiated activities and experiences  
Inside/outside flow

5:20 pm: Tidy up, late afternoon snack, reading time

6:00 pm: Centre closes

These routines are guidelines for teachers to follow and are flexible. They may change depending on weather conditions and other events.

Kind Kea House

This inviting and welcoming space caters for our preschoolers, with plentiful resources and learning opportunities to keep them engaged and inspired.

Daily Routine

7:30 am:  Centre opens, greet children and families, settle children    
Indoor/outdoor play

9:30 am:  Kai time—rolling morning tea starts

Activities linked to investigation, indoor/outdoor play

11:00 am:  Tidy up time

11:10 am: Meeting/mat time - investigation, stories, singing, dancing, exercise and more

11:30 am: Kai time/lunch time

12:15 pm: Activities linked to investigation, indoor/outdoor play

2:30 pm: Kai time—rolling afternoon tea starts

Activities linked to investigation, indoor/outdoor play

3:00 pm: Tidy up time

3:10 pm: Meeting time/mat time

3:30 pm: Indoor/outdoor play

5:30 pm: Late snack

5:40 pm:  Story time/quiet time/group games

6:00 pm: Centre closes

Transition to School Group: this happens throughout the day, with one in the morning and one in the afternoon

Meeting time:  meeting time is designed to investigate - and create learning experiences around - children’s current interests.