
Thank you for looking after Karol, caring, helping, teaching, supporting her and many more.  You have been not only a teacher but a friend and one more family member for Karol and us.  Words cannot explain how thankful we are for your help and dedication you put in to take care of Karol.  Muchas gracias por ser parte de la vida de Karol /Thank you for everything

Karol’s family Liliana, Carlos and Karen and Karol

Thank you all so much for all your support to Breah while she has attended Lollipops.  She has expressed how much she is going to miss you all.

Breah, Meredith, Craig and Blake

A massive thank you to Liz and the team for organising the trip to Staglands. Olly had so much fun and told us all about the bus and the animals he saw. Debbie said the trip was well organised and Liz did a very good job running the day and making sure everyone was safe and having a good time.

Hopefully Next time I can come too.


Vrajesh returned from his India trip in Feb-end and after being at home with mum for some time, we are keen to re-enrol him at Waiwhetu Lollipops again as he misses the teachers and children there.
